The installation will remain in place during European Maritime Day, SeaFest and Cork Harbour Festival enabling the many thousands of visitors to both festival an opportunity to reflect and engage in this ongoing tragedy. The ultimate goal is to create political pressure to implement safe legal entry pathways for migrants to Europe and a create a permanent memorial in the central Mediterranean sea.
The following list of people and organisations have been incredibly generous in their support, they are;
Peadar Lamb, Artist
Debbie Daswon, Artist,
Joe Hogan, Basket Maker,
Dobz O Brien, Programme Manager, National Sculpture Factory,
Denis Barrett, Cork Learning City Coordinator,
Val Cummins, Senior lecturer, University College Cork,
Jack O Keeffe, Irish Drascombe Association,
Fiona Kearney, Director, Glucksman Gallery, UCC.
John Logan, Port of Cork,
Donal Long, WP Cork,
John Hough, Naomhóga Chorcaí,
Micheal Twomey, Transport,
Pat Mc Carthy, Southern Signs
The project is also in receipt of support by the Arts Office of Cork City Council.
Thank you for taking the time to consider and reflect on this project.